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Reconfiguration of the Abstract Sculpture
Annually in the early Spring, a crane lifts, pulls apart and reconfigures the two halves of the Abstract Sculpture, a split rhomboid dodecahedron made of stainless steel and aluminum, to create a new sculptural shape.
The annual configuration of the Abstract Sculpture is symbolic of all who pulled away from their country of origin or were forced to pull away and came to these Massachusetts shores, establishing themselves in new and different ways.
Aurelian Mardiros oversees the annual reconfiguration of the Abstract Sculpture, fabricated by A&A Industries, the generous gift of Anahid and Aurelian Mardiros, founders of A&A Industries, Peabody.
Joining teams from A&A Industries and Jerry Corp are William Martin who oversees the Park's Care & Maintenance. representing the Foundation, and Don Tellalian, AIA, the Park’s architect/designer.
"Unlike static cenotaphs and monuments, the Abstract Sculpture... does what so many others do not; it represents life...The changing nature of the shape each year...facilitates the development of memories while allowing remembrances of the past."
- Lucas Cowan, former Public Art Curator, Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy

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