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  Leadership Circle: Thank you!     

For the generosity of all our donors, we are so very grateful.     

To our Leadership Circle of lead and major supporters acknowledged below,    

our heartfelt appreciation.         


K. George and Dr. Carolann S. Najarian

Endowed Fund for the Lecture on Human Rights at Faneuil Hall in memory of

Dr. Najarian's father, Avedis Abrahamian

A&A Industries *

Aurelian and Anahid Mardiros and Family

* Gift-in-Kind, Manufacturer of the

   Abstract Sculpture 


Dr. Noubar and Anna Gunnarson Afeyan

Endowed Fund for Programs at the Park

Margaret and Leon Atamian & Family

Charles G. and Doreen Bilezikian

Endowed Fund for the Abstract Sculpture’s

Annual Reconfiguration and Park’s Care

John Mirak Foundation

in memory of John and Artemis Mirak, Genocide Survivors, Proud Armenians, Proud Americans

In loving memory of

Sarkis and Vosgitel Mugar

Stephen P. and Marian G. Mugar

from their children and grandchildren

Virginia Ohanian and Family

in memory of Michael Ohanian

Peter Palandjian

Antranig and Sonia Sahagian

in loving memory of our parents,

Krikor and Bayzar Sahagian, 

Michael and Seranoush Avakian

John and Lillian Simourian 

John A. and Michele Bagdasarian Simourian

in memory of the Genocide victims

Charles G. Talanian Family Foundation

humbly thanks its family for their courage and strength to come to a new land


CPL Paul S. Marsoubian AMVETS Post 41 


James and Marta Batmasian


Jill Colombosian and Michael Colombosian

in loving memory of John and June Colombosian, America’s first Yogurt Family, “Colombo” since 1929 from their children


The DerKazarian Family

in memory of our martyred  grandparents,

Kazar and Elmas Der Kazarian


Raffi and Nina Festekjian 

Alex, Armen and Aram

Remembering for the Future


Gomidas Organ Fund

in honor of the life and music of

Berj Zamkochian

Robert Khederian and Michele M. Kolligian

Carmella Kletjian

Steven Charles Kletjian, thanks for the memories


Robert and Adrina Kletjian

in honor and loving memory of their parents, Herbert and Sharkay Kletjian,

Crosby and Melané Goshgarian

Jack and Eva Medzorian

in loving memory of parents Marshall H. and Skynig (Marderosian Medzorian,

Avedis and Hripsima Parnagian Ahigian


Charles Mosesian Family Foundation

in loving memory of Dorothy and Charles Mosesian


John and Lucille Sahagian

in memory of all who suffered to preserve our Armenian heritage


Asbed and Margaret Zakarian


Cummings Foundation

Michael and Kaye Barsamian &  Family

Ara and Pamela Gechijian & Family

Dr. Nishan J. and Rita B. Kechejian

and Family

William and Karen Martin

Judith Saryan and Victor Zarougian

In memory of Sarkis S. Saryan and

Dikran Zarougian


Asbed and Margaret Zacarian Charitable Foundation


Khatchig Babikian Fund

Nicole Babikian and Jean-Jacques Hajjar


James and Elizabeth Derderian


Michael Douvadjian 

David Douvadjian


The Guzelian Family

in memory of Mihran and Makrouhi Guzelian


Ronald and Megan Hovsepian


James M. Kalustian


Knights of Vartan, Ararat Lodge


Sandra Shahinian Leitner

in memory of Deeran and Isgoohi Aghazarian


Edward and Nancy Tutunjian

in memory of Paul and Azniv Alexander


In memory of Rose and Garabed Zartarian

--  as of December 2023

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